GABMC Registration & Scoring System

In the shared folder linked below is a universal version of the registration and scoring docs that was used at the NACBMA 2018 Great American Beard & Moustache Championship and other regional competitions since. It’s available free of charge to any club that would like to use it.

There are templates for judges' scoring sheets and Google Sheets for signing up competitors and auto-calculating their scores and places, based on your number of judges. Easily customize them with your event and category names for the big day.


These Google docs are meant to make it easier for your club to register and tally scores for each competitor at your comp. It’s paper where it counts and online for the rest, providing simultaneous live updates to everyone with access.

The basic layout was based off of the Microsoft Excel result sheets from the 2015 Worlds in Leogang, Austria. This version was built out in Google Sheets by the RVA Beard League for internal club use in 2016 (through the present day) and has been used at comps around the country since the middle of last year, including for registration and scoring at the 2018 Great American BMC. With each comp, updates and revisions have been made to simplify things as much as possible.

The intent is to have the MC(s) read the contestant info off the left half of the category tab from their phone or tablet. The right half for each competitor lists their scores that the scorekeeper enters from the paper sheets. In our experience, having a hard copy for the judges is easier for them to write comments and notes about each competitor and, more importantly, to have a record to double-check scores if need be.

Since each club has it’s own selection of categories, we’ve kept this fairly generic. No one’s trying to tell you which categories to have. Most of the setup beforehand will be in typing the names of the categories in the tabs.

What Do I Need?

You’ll need a copy of:

    1. Scoring Sheets for the Judges
      Files to be printed for the judges to record their scores for each category.

    2. And one of the following, depending on your situation. Both have 20 categories built out, but if you need more categories or have a smaller or larger panel of judges, let us know and we’ll see what we can do, but these two should cover 99%+ of comps.

      • 5 Judge Registration & Scoring
        For standard five-member judging panels. Scoring from 5.0–10.0, with half-point increments. All scores are combined, for a maximum score of 50.0 per competitor.

      • 7 Judge Registration & Scoring
        For specialized seven-member judging panels. Scoring from 5.0–10.0, with half-point increments. The highest and lowest scores for each competitor are dropped, and the remaining scores are combined, for a maximum score of 50.0 per competitor.

How Do I Use Them?

You’ll need a Google/Gmail account. They’re free and if you don’t want them absorbing your info, just create a dummy one to use for these. The key part of how this works is that it’s in a shared space that other people can access at the same time.

When you’re signed in, open each of two files, and go to File, Add to My Drive to get your own copy of the files to work with.


From there, follow the info on the first tabs at the bottom of the sheets to customize the forms with your comp’s info. They’ll be labeled Instructions and Specifics for your Comp.


The setup needs at a couple dedicated people, which most comps have already.

  1. A Registrar to enter in the competitor info -- multiples work fine if feasible

    • Needing: a laptop or other full-browser computer setup.

  2. An MC to read off the competitor info on stage -- multiples work fine if feasible

    • Needing: a smartphone or tablet loaded with the Google Sheets app or a web browser

  3. Judges (duh) -- five or seven

    • Needing: the printed score sheets and pens/pencils to use

  4. A Scorekeeper to input the Judges’ scores. This person can also be the Registrar, depending on when you choose to cut off registration.

    • Needing: a laptop or other full-browser computer setup

...All of whom, except the Judges, need Internet access. Usually venues will have a private in-house WiFi network to connect to. If not, check your cell coverage at the venue. Using your phone as a hot-spot is a good backup to have if possible. The setup doesn’t need or use that much data since it’s mostly text, but an Internet connection is necessary to view updates and calculate totals.